In lockdown I fell head over heels with running and it quickly became the highlight of my day, I am not a fast runner or someone who will ever challenge at the front of races but I fell in love with the action of being outdoors and using my body again after many years of Sub Par activity levels after having children. My initial over-enthusiasm led to multiple areas of aches and pains; however, Josh was able to tackle each of them head on and after 4 months of consistently working together I am enjoying 3-4 runs a week pain free and my next goal is to complete my first half marathon.
Are you experiencing pain that is stopping you from completing day-to-day tasks? Spending time with family and loved ones? Or reaching your goals and dreams? Whether you want to climb mountains and participate in sports or simply get through a day at work or pick your grandchild up without pain…we can help.
To discuss your needs with an experienced Physiotherapist, call 01425 473093